With a developmental disability, one experiences many failures and setbacks and is not well received by others, so one is completely unsure of oneself and unable to take a new step forward. This causes them to fall into negative thinking. When they become a member of society and have heavy social responsibilities, even though they think they are doing their best in their work, they unconsciously make careless mistakes that ordinary people rarely make, and the people in the company think that they are not trustworthy. They have immature social and interpersonal skills and are unable to behave appropriately in complex relationships at school or at work, which are composed of many people. They are not good at managing money or organizing their personal affairs and cannot handle or manage them systematically. They are immature in emotional self-control and become moody, angry, and violent over trivial matters, so they are abandoned and have no one close to them around them. Anyway, they have difficulty in self-control of their impulsivity and desires, and are prone to addictions and addictive behaviors such as gaming, gambling, alcohol, sex, drugs, and the Internet.
Furthermore, they are subjected to a barrage of verbal abuse and invective just by looking at them, not just by a few people, but by thousands and thousands of people. As a result, their sense of self-esteem is shattered, and they become mentally wrecked and suffer secondary mental disorders. The bad news is that even though they have done so many things, the people who did them are completely unaware and unaware of what they have done, and do not want to touch them. On the contrary, they shift the blame to the person who did it, so I can only conclude that the quality is extremely poor.
Japanese society should stop focusing on the “light” of people with developmental disabilities and face the reality of their “shadow”. Unless this is done, the problem will never be solved.
This is not a matter of “thinking” or “feeling” in a naïve and naïve way. It is not too much to assert, but rather too little to say. This is “the fact”, “the reality” and “the truth”. It’s not a matter of good or bad, it’s nothing more than a golden rule that can’t be described in any other way and has absolutely no room for doubt.